Democratic Community of Russian-speakers in Finland was founded in winter 2022.
The goal of the community is to unite all democratically minded citizens of Russian Federation who live in finland, including people of other nationalities intereseted in Russia's democratization and promote democratic principles and pan-European values among the entire Russian-speaking population of Finland.
We are fighting against Putin's dictatorship, repression, corruption and the war that our country's leadership has unleashed on the territory of sovereign Ukraine by the hands of the Russian military (since the invasion of Crimea). We stand for the victory of Ukraine, and we hope and strive for a regime change in Russia and for it to become a prosperous democratic country with freedom of speech, thought and action, fair elections, and no longer pose a threat to the rest of the world.
The community organizes anti-war actions, events and meetings, humanitarian, cultural and educational projects in Finland, organizes and participates in humanitarian gatherings. We are engaged in human rights activities, interaction with Finnish politicians, government agencies and the public, as well as other types of political activism.
The community organizes anti-war actions, humanitarian, cultural and educational projects, events and meetings in Finland. We are engaged in human rights activities, interaction with Finnish government agencies and the public, and other types of political activism.
Satakunta suomenvenäläistä osallistui tänään sodanvastaiseen mielenosoitukseen. Heidän mielestään on tärkeätä näyttää selvästi, että he ovat Venäjän hallintoa vastaan.November 17, 2024
Сотня финских россиян приняли участие в антивоенной демонстрации. По их мнению, важно ясно показать, что они против действий российского правительства.November 17, 2024
"Мы, россияне, которые против войны". Одновременно со вчерашним антивоенным шествием в Берлине, акции протеста прошли и в других европейских столицах. В центре Хельсинки около сотни активистов Демократического сообщества русскоязычных в Финляндии прошли маршем от Народной площади к посольству России.November 17, 2024