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Rally "Russia without Putin"

January 21, 24 at 12:00 PM

Three years ago, in all corners of the world, we went out to protest in support of Alexei Navalny, who survived a poisoning attempt and was arrested upon his return to Russia. Already three years in prison and another 19 years for disagreeing with the regime.

A year after Alexey's arrest, the criminal Russian government, led by Putin and on his orders, launched a full-scale war against Ukraine. The number of victims is estimated in tens of thousands on the Ukrainian side, and hundreds of thousands on the Russian side. There are also thousands of Ukrainian civilians in prisons in Russia and the territories it occupied.

The number of political prisoners in Russia is increasing all the time, there are already more than 600 of them. These brave people do not give up, and even in the pseudo-court room they continue to express their attitude against the actions of the Kremlin, against war and repression.

On January 21, we join the global protest “Russia without Putin” as a sign of solidarity with everyone who opposes the war and the dictatorial regime, and because of this they fall into the millstone of repression.

No war!
Putin to The Hague!
Freedom for political prisoners!

The action in Helsinki will take place at 14.00 on the railway station square (between the national theater and the Athenaeum museum).
