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Protest rally "Noon against Putin"

March 17, 24 at 10:00 AM Tehtaankatu 2, 00140 Helsinki

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Noon Against Putin

On March 17 at 12:00, on the day of the so-called “Russian presidential elections,” a protest rally Noon Against Putin will take place.

Many have already heard about it, and we, along with all public opinion leaders, urge you to join.

Our common goal is to show ourselves and the entire world community our voice against the usurpation of power, against war, repression, murder - against Putin.

We declare to the whole world - Putin and his elections are illegitimate, and there are many reasons and evidence for this, all of them are described in our appeal to delegitimize the usurper.

After the action there will be a march-rally to the Cathedral, we will visit the new memorial to Alexei Navalny and the program will continue for some time on Senate Square.

Our action is part of the global campaign “No to Putin and putinism.”

About the 17.3 (Helsinki) campaign in the Finnish press.

”Jos et äänestä, joku voi laittaa ruksin Putinin puolesta, niin se feikkivaali tehdään”

Venäläis­aktivistien ovensuu­kysely: Näin moni äänesti Putinia Helsingissä.

Only 10% of Russians in Finland voted for Putin, exit poll says.

Exit poll: 10% of Russians surveyed in Finland said they voted for Putin.

«Огромная очередь у посольства России в Хельсинки – многие люди заявили о своем намерении проголосовать, протестующие имели четкое послание»

«Viesti Putinin vaalien vastaisesta mielenosoituksesta: "Tässä toteutetaan Navalnyin testamenttia"»

«”Onko täällä muka vaalit. - Venäjän suurlähetystöllä korttelin mittainen vaalijono.»
