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YLE Forum Aurora

November 20, 24 at 08:00 AM Rovaniemi

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On November 20, the next YLE Aurora Forum will take place in Rovaniemi. This year, the theme of the forum is security.

Exiled activist and Pussy Riot member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova will be the main speaker of the forum.

“– Tolokonnikova is a relevant figure in the current global situation. She risked her safety by speaking out against injustice in Russia. She had to leave her country, but she still wants to inspire people to be brave with her art, because bravery is contagious,” says the event’s producer Pia Louhivuori.

Among other participants, the forum will include MP Pekka Haavisto (Greens), Sports Minister Sandra Bergqvist (Swedish People’s Party), researcher Maria Linden, Chairman of the Center Party Antti Kaikkonen, and Chief of Counterintelligence of the Finnish Security Police Teemu Liikkanen.

One of the topics of the forum will be the question: Russia – where to go from here?

"Russia's future will be shaped by many actors, not least by Russians themselves. It is important to preserve our knowledge of Russia, even if our relations are broken. What is your vision for the post-Putin era?"
This topic will be discussed by Professor of International Politics Hiski Haukkala, Chair of the Democratic Community of Russian-Speakers in Finland Irina Vesikko and researcher Hanna Smith.

Yle is holding the annual Aurora Forum for the fourth time.

Aurora is a free event for the public. Due to limited space, pre-registration is required (